Are You Considering Laser Hair Removal? Find Out More

Laser hair removal, also known as electrolysis, is a popular type of cosmetic dentistry. It works on the premise that hair develops in concentric circles within the hair shaft which means that to remove the hair, you must remove the maximum amount of hair from the follicle. Laser hair removal is the process of hair removal by exposure to concentrated pulses of laser light, which destroy hair’s root. It was initially tested for 19 years prior to becoming commercially available in 1996/95.

Laser hair removal requires that you avoid sun exposure. There are several precautions you must take. The reason is that the treatment itself may cause skin irritation. Skin irritation can cause side effects. include increased sensitivity in the treated area. There are some who experience discomfort in the area being treated, however, this tends to disappear within an hour or so.

Lasers are safe for all skin types. Most patients will benefit from a successful treatment. There are two types of lasers that can be used for hair removal using x-rays or those that use intense pulsed light (IPL). The IPL lasers are preferred as they are less likely to cause skin irritation and usually the cost is less. Both lasers deliver excellent results for hair removal, even the most difficult hair removal.

The success of laser hair removal depends heavily on the type of skin you have and the color. Your skin type is determined by your genetic background and, therefore, if you have family members who have dark skin tone or are considered fair, the probability that you will develop light-colored hair is not that high. Treatments that target melanin pigment are more difficult for 激光脫毛 people with fair or very light skin. Laser hair removal is possible for people with naturally darker skin. Even people with very light skin types can benefit simply because lighter skinned individuals are more likely to developing darker pigment than those with light skin.

The laser’s pulses used for 激光脫毛 hair removal are measured in ‘cycles and minutes.’ Each cycle can last for up to four minutes. Each pulse has a break and you may have to wait at least six weeks between treatments. The standard laser hair removal treatment requires at minimum three cycles, although most people only need two or three.

It is vital to remember that the effectiveness of iPL systems is not dependent on their pulse duration. The pulses of iPL lasers destroy pigment but they do not affect melanin in hair follicles. When laser light is reflected onto the follicles it is broken down. They become lighter and more open to iPL technology. After this process is completed, the hair follicles are removed leaving behind a sterile skin area that will be cared for according to the instructions you have given.

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