Say goodbye to ugly acne Scars
Ice Pick Scars – The Most Common Acne Scar
Most sufferers with acne have more than one ice pick scar. It is simple to comprehend the reason why this type of scar was given the name as it looks like they were created by an ice pick, or a extremely sharp, thin instrument similar to an ice pick. Ice pick scars are easily identified. They look more like an open pore in the skin. It’s not aesthetically appealing.
Ice pick scarring is formed, usually as a result of cystic acne. The scar develops after an eruption, or another rooted, inflamed blemish. The eruption is able to move through the layers of skin. The eruption causes destruction to the skin’s vulneable tissues, leaving the skin with a visible, long-lasting scar. When examined under microscope an ice-pick scar appears as an elongated, deep ravine, making them look unique.
Although it is possible to improve the appearance and feel of ice pick marks using laser treatment however, it is not able to completely eliminate them completely. There are new laser treatments being investigated, but the preferred method of treatment is a form of cosmetic surgery, also known as “punch excision.” The surgeon places a small instrument into the area to be treated and then cuts away the individual scars. The resultant incision, barely as wide as the original scar, is closed with disolving stitches, or, in more modern times, skin glue. When the wound heals the skin will look a lot more normal. If it is still necessary the area can be covered with a light makeup.
Hypertrophic Scars
Hypertrophic scars are the most visible, even though they are not often seen on the face of a sufferer due to the fact that they make a distinct appearance in the face. They are typically found in the areas of the body which are typically covered. They are evident on the surface, and not hidden beneath it. The reason it is so rare is the fact that it’s not actually skin which has been eaten away by acne breakouts Instead, it’s an extra tissue created due to sub-surface eruption. Hypertrophic is derived from hypertrophy. It refers to an organ that has a greater volume due to the enlargement of cells. In this instance the pores of the skin are involved.
Hypertrophic scars are more prevalent in males than females. This is because males sweat more, and also are more prone to body hair. They appear as a firm, raised lump of tissue. Most often, a hypertrophic scar will get bigger than the initial wound. {They are caused{, {|,|}{ost often,|usually|most often|usually|typically}{, by an overabundance| by an excess| due to an excess| caused by an excess} of collagen, {the|an} {igredient|ingredient|substance} {in our skin that|within our skin which} allows {our skin|it} to {be|become} soft.|Hypertrophic scars {are usually caused|are typically caused|usually result} by an {excess|overproduction|excessive amount} of collagen. This is the {igredient that allows our|ingredient that allows our|ingredient that causes our|component that allows the} skin to {become soft|soften}.} {{Do not confuse hypertrophic scars|Don’t confuse hypertrophic scars|Do not confuse hypertrophic marks|Don’t confuse hypertrophic skin scars} with “Keloid” scars.|Hypertrophic scars {are not to|should not|shouldn’t} be confused with “Keloid{“|} scars.} {There is a {difference|distinction|distinct difference} between {the two|them}.|There is a {big|distinct|huge|significant} {difference|distinction} between {the two|them}.} {Keloid scars {routinely overgrow|typically grow over|usually cover|are typically larger than} the {area|region} of the {original|initial} {injury and usually|injury and typically|wound and tend to|injury , and are usually able to} {harden the skin|make the skin harder|create a hardened skin|form a firmer skin layer} {in the area where|in the area|around the place where|in the region where} they {develop|form|appear|begin to develop}.|Keloid scars are {a common|a typical|a popular|the most common} {way to grow over|method to develop over|way to cover|way to heal over} the {original injury area|area of injury|area of injury that was originally damaged|initial injury area} and {harden|to harden} the skin {around|surrounding} it.}
{The {common|most common|most commonly used} treatment {for hypertrophic or|of hypertrophic} Keloid scars is {injections of cortisone and|cortisone injections and|to inject cortisone and|cortisone injections as well as} Interferon.|{Injections of Interferon and cortisone|Cortisone and Interferon injections|Injections of cortisone and interferon|Cortisone injections and Interferon injections} are the most {common|commonly used|popular|frequently used} {treatment|treatments} for hypertrophic scars.} {Cortisone {is injected into the|is injected into|is injected in the|injections are injected into the} affected area{ and tends to| and can|, and it tends to| and is able to} {shrink|reduce} and {flatten|smooth out} the scar{ tissue|} area.|Cortisone {can be injected into the|can be injected into|is injected into} {affected|damaged} areas. It {tends to|is known to|can|is a great way to} {shrink the|reduce the size of} scar tissue and {flatten it|smooth it|make it flat|reduce its appearance}.} {{To help the shrinking and|To aid in the shrinking and|To aid in shrinking and|In order to aid in the shrinking as well as} {removal|elimination} {process|procedure}, Interferon is injected along with {the cortisone to enhance|cortisone to increase|cortisone in order to improve|cortisone for} {softening and to reduce|softening and reduce|the process of softening and to lessen|softening as well as reduce} the {swollen appearance of the|appearance of swelling in the|appearance of swollen|appearance of swelling of the} scarring.|Interferon is {injected with cortisone to|injectable with cortisone to|injections with cortisone that|administered with cortisone to} {aid in the|assist in|aid in|help in} shrinking and {removal|elimination}. It {helps to soften|assists in reducing|assists in softening|helps reduce} {scarring and reduce|the scarring and reduce|scarring and decrease|the scarring and lessen} swelling.} {If {you suffer from|you are suffering from|you have|you’re suffering from} these {types of scars and|kinds of scars and|types of scars but|kinds of scars, and} {do not have insurance|don’t have insurance|don’t have insurance coverage|are not covered by insurance} to {pay for the|cover the cost of the|cover the|cover the cost of} injections, {you should not|don’t|do not|you shouldn’t} be {too upset|too worried|worried about it}.|These {types|kinds} of scars {can be very|can be extremely|are|may be} painful and you {may not have insurance that|might not have insurance that|may not have insurance coverage that} will {cover the cost of the|pay for the|cover the cost of} injections.} {These {types of scars can|kinds of scars may|kinds of scars are likely to|types of scars could} {decrease in size and improve|shrink in size and change|diminish in size and become more attractive|shrink in size and get better} {in appearance over|appearance in} {a short time|the course of a few months|an extended period of time|some time}.|{These scars can shrink|The scars may shrink|These scars could shrink|These scars may diminish} in size and 激光脫毛 {appear more attractive in|look more attractive after a|appear more attractive over a|appear attractive in} {a short period of time|the span of a few months|just a short time|only a short amount of time}.} {{Look into over-the-counter solutions|Consider over-the-counter remedies|Explore over-the-counter treatments|Take a look at over-the counter remedies} and home remedies {as|for} {a solution|an option|solutions|options}.|{As a possible|As a|For a possible|As a potential} solution, you {can|could} {look into home remedies and|explore home remedies and|consider home remedies as well as|investigate home remedies and} {over-the-counter options|alternatives available over-the-counter|other over-the counter options|alternative treatments available on the market}.}
{For those {acne scar sufferers|with acne scars|who suffer from acne scars|who have acne scars} who {can afford|are able to afford|have the money to pay for} it, {there is|there’s} {a new and potentially|an innovative and possibly|a brand new and possibly|an exciting and potentially} {effective treatment against|effective treatment for|efficient treatment for|effective treatment to treat} {acne and scarring|scarring and acne}.|{There is a new|There is a brand new|There is a novel|There’s a new}{, potentially effective treatment| treatment that could be effective| treatment that is potentially effective| treatment that could be very effective} for {acne scarring and scarring|scarring and acne scarring|scarring and acne} that {can be afforded by|is affordable to|is accessible to|is available to} those who {are able to|can} pay.} {{It is|It’s} laser technology.|Laser technology is the {key|most important factor|crucial element}.} {{Currently used in|It is currently used for|It is currently employed in|It is currently utilized in} the {removal and reduction|reduction and removal} of {acne scarring|scarring from acne}, {it has|it’s} been {promoted by some|endorsed by some|hailed by some|promoted by a few} {scientists as a powerful weapon|researchers as a potent weapon|researchers as a powerful weapon|experts as a weapon of great power} {in the progression|in the advancement|to speed up the process|in the development} of {acne treatments|treatments for acne}.|It is currently {used|being used} to {reduce acne scarring|reduce scarring from acne|lessen acne scarring|minimize acne scarring} and has been {promoted|hailed} by scientists as {a powerful|a potent|an effective} weapon {for the advancement of|to improve|for the development of|to advance} acne treatments.}
{The {idea behind this new|concept behind this new|theory behind this|idea behind this} {treatment|procedure} is that the laser {will burn|burns} {away|off} the follicle sac{ in|} which hair grows{ along with|, along with| as well as| and} the sebaceous gland{ where| that is where|, where| from which} {the oil is produced|oil is made},{ as a result|} {causing oxygen to form|creating oxygen|the formation of oxygen|producing oxygen} in acne-causing bacteria{, killing|, thereby killing| and kill|, and kill} them.|{This new treatment uses|This treatment utilizes|This new treatment makes use of|The new treatment uses} {a laser to burn away|lasers to destroy} the follicle sac {where|in which|that|from which} hair removal grows, {along with|as well as|and} the sebaceous oil gland. The result is that oxygen {is formed|is created|is produced|gets formed} in acne-causing bacteria{ and|, and} they are {killed|destroyed}.} {{However, as with|But, as with|However, like} {all new treatments|any new treatment}{, there is a cautionary| there is a cautionary| there is a warning| it is important to take a precautionary} note.|{As with|Like} {all new treatments|any new treatment|every new treatment}{, there’s a warning| there is a caution| there’s a warning| it is important to be aware of the warning signs}.} {It should be {apparent|obvious|clear|evident} to those who {understand|know|are aware of} {how lasers work that|the way lasers work that|how lasers work , that|how lasers function that} there is always {the danger|a risk|the risk|a chance} that {heat damage to the skin|the heat damage to the skin|damaging the skin with heat|burning the skin} {may cause long-term dryness|can cause dryness for a long time|could cause long-term dryness|can lead to dryness that lasts for a long time,} and {blemishes|acne-like blemishes|pimples|bumps}.|{Anyone who is familiar|Any person who has experience} with lasers {will know|will be aware|knows|is aware} that {heat damage to the|the heat damage to|heat damage to|damage caused by heat to the} skin can {cause long-term dryness|lead to long-term dryness|lead to dryness for a long time|result in long-term dryness} and skin {blemishes|pimples|acne blemishes|bumps}.} {The United States Food and Drug Adminstration has approved the {controlled use of lasers|use of lasers in controlled manner} {for the treatment of|to treat|for treating} acne {and acne scarring|scarring and acne}.|{The controlled use of lasers|Lasers that are controlled|The use of lasers in controlled doses|Lasers used in controlled dosage} to treat {acne and scarring|scarring and acne} {has been|is} approved by the {United States|U.S.} Food and Drug Administration.}
{There have been {some|a few} technical {problems|issues|issues that have been} {reported|that have been reported|discovered|identified}.|There {have been|are} technical {problems|issues}.} {{Some of the laser devices|Certain laser devices|Some laser devices|Certain lasers} have {suffered coolant failures|experienced problems with cooling|had problems with coolant|had issues with coolant}{, causing a small percentage| which have caused a small proportion| and caused a small percentage| that have led to a small portion} of patients to {suffer|experience}{ painful|} {burning injuries|burns}.|{Some laser devices have experienced|Certain lasers have experienced|Certain laser devices have had} {coolant failures that left some|problems with coolant that have left|cooling system failures, which left|malfunctions in the coolant, leaving} patients with {painful, burning|burning, painful} injuries.} {At {this stage|the moment|this point|the present time}{, the treatment is quite| the treatment is} {expensive due to its small-scale|expensive due to its limited|expensive due to its tiny-scale|costly due to its small-scale} operation{ and the technology is|, and the technology is|, and the technology can| and the technology will} still {be|being} {tested|evaluated|test-driven|examined}.|The treatment is {expensive|costly} {at this stage|at the moment|in the present|currently} {due to|because of} the {small-scale|limited scale of} operation. {Also|Additionally}{, the technology is still| the technology is} being {tested|evaluated|examined|test-driven}.} {{While lasers have not been|Although lasers aren’t|While lasers aren’t|Although lasers haven’t been} {ruled out for potential|eliminated for|considered for|removed from the possibility of} future {use, it is|applications, they are} {available for those willing to|accessible to those who are willing to|accessible to those willing to|available to those who are willing} {risk it and who can|take the risk and who can|be risky and|put their money into it and can} afford it.|Lasers are still {possible|a possibility|feasible|an option}{, but they have not| however they haven’t| however, they have not| but haven’t} been completely {ruled out|eliminated}.}